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Kylie Stottlemyer

Cyber & Critical Infrastructure Intelligence Analyst

How are HSEP classes preparing you to lead?

The coursework here has really strengthened my ability to network, my attention to detail and my overall communication skills. Students in this program also learn to become adept at problem-solving, not just in the context of homeland security but also through intense and immersive group work.

What is the best part of the HSEP program?

The diversity of the students is a real benefit to this program and one of the things that makes VCU overall truly unique. Students learn not only from faculty with varied backgrounds but from other students from varying specialties and experience levels. The professors are also really understanding of the challenges of being a full-time student and working professional.

What professional and personal goals would you like to accomplish with your HSEP degree?

I was really looking for a program that would allow me to apply my knowledge instantaneously. I also wanted a credential that would distinguish me as a candidate for federal contracting opportunities.

If you were to recommend this program to a colleague, what would you say?

I would absolutely recommend this program to anyone. No matter what your concerns may be—work or family—this is a challenge worth pursuing. I would also recommend this program for anyone who is interested in taking a specialty like cybersecurity and integrating into the profession as broadly as possible. This is not a program for individuals who are interested in being in siloed environments; it’s for people who want to make an impact broadly.

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